Cooking, Crafting and Collecting week 3- Bundle Dying with Natural Pigments and Flowers

Carriage Barn Arts Center 681 South Avenue, New Canaan, CT, United States

Beautiful natural hues of color using food scraps, flowers and plants will be used to make natural colors to dye with. You don’t have to look very far to find colors in the kitchen and garden. Together we will learn how to bundle wrap and steam to extract a variety of subtle colors. Ages 7-13 175-190.00 /4 weeks  


Cooking, Crafting and Collecting week 4- Vegetable Fermentation

Carriage Barn Arts Center 681 South Avenue, New Canaan, CT, United States

Unleash your experimental side and find out why fermented foods are a great way to improve your health. Chopping, grating and slicing a variety of vegetables to make an Asian inspired slaw with soy and sesame. Also learn how to craft a small batch of pickles and discover how we can easily create a healthy gut reaction. Ages 7-13  ...
