To drink a cup of tea can be one of life’s simplest pleasures but this long history with a tea plant Camellia Sinensis can promote health and wellbeing and evoke a feeling of either comfort or exhilaration. The tea company, In Pursuit of Tea has a wide range of teas to choose from as well as a full web site with everything you ever wanted to learn about teas. Their origins, medicinal properties, steeping practices, brewing methods as well as products for pouring an a mazing cup of tea.
Recently I visited Grace Farms in New Canaan, CT and was honored to be introduced to the fine art of tea. First off, Grace Farms is an amazing place to visit. A spectacular natural environment with the most innovative building. Designed by Japanese architectural firm, SANAA sits on 80 acres of picturesque farm land. Here anyone can be involved with this marvelous place and can share ideas about art, faith, community and justice. A dinning establishment is on site as well as hiking trails, a library and multiple places to just be quiet and think. Here I also enjoyed a fine selection of teas to sample and learned about the art of tea. Sencha, Oolong, Ceylon and Jasmine were a just few of the finest quality tasting teas I have tried thus far.