Corn Tortillas
1 dozen, 6 inch round Tortillas

1 cup Masa Harina
¼ teaspoon Salt
1 cup Warm Water
In a bowl add the Masa Harina and Salt with 1/2 of the warm Water.
Stir with a wooden spoon until the mixture begins to come together.
Continue to add more of the Water until a smooth dough has formed.
Using your hands, start to knead the dough until it is even smoother.
Form it into a ball and set aside covered to rest for 10-15 min.
When ready to shape the dough, uncover it and make rounds of dough anywhere form 1-3 inches in diameter, depending on the overall dimension you want.
Either use a rolling pin or a traditional Tortilla press to shape the dough between plastic wrap or parchment paper so it does stick to your surface. Roll or press the balls into flat rounds.
With a hot un-greased pan cook until slightly browned on each side.
Serve warm.
We serve these with everything!! Soups, a quick taco, as a morning bread or with Avocado and Lime Juice for a healthy snack.